Monday 4 August 2014

Return of the Orfful Tag!

*Interviewer droid*
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, Hutts and Gungans, Biorgs and Droids, to the latest and greatest in media entertainment! Here, we shall glean never-before-known information on some of the galaxy's most famous, most infamous, and those who are completely unknown! I bring you... THE ORFFUL TAG!

Today I have with me a young lady from the Bespin System. Give it up for Kellie Darklighter!!!

Kellie, shall we begin?

Kellie: Uhh, okay?

1. What is your homeworld?

2. Do you have any family?
I used to.  My parents are dead.

3. What are some of your goals in life?
To see the galaxy has always been my dream!  Imagine, travelling among the stars like that...

4. Who do you count as your best friend?
I don't really have one...  Well, I did.  But I don't know where he is anymore.

5. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
Well I have a collection of--wait, that's none of your business!

6. What is your species?

7. Who would you like to be most of all?
Who would I like to be?  Um, myself?

8. What was the most devastating moment of your life?
Two years ago.  When my parents died and my best friend's family moved off-planet...

9. What was the best moment of your life?
Well my life was pretty great up until the stuff I just mentioned happened.  Nothing really stands out, though.

10. Who are your enemies?
The *censored for public broadcast* who took over Cloud City!  Oh, language, sorry.

11. Who do you count as your archenemy?
No one.  I've had a fairly boring life.

12. Do you have any mechanical appendages?

13. Who and/or what has impacted you the most?
Probably that huge battle that blew up the mayor's house, and the subsequent take over of Cloud City.

14. If you could choose to save yourself or your best friend, who would you save?
My best friend, no question.  The feeling is mutual.

15. What do you want to do after retiring?
Retiring?  Sheesh, I'm not that old. I'm not planning that far ahead!

Droid: And lastly, who do you want to answer the Orfful Tag next?
Kellie: Um... I don't know? Don't put me on the spot like this!!! I guess... Jaider?  I heard that's a popular choice.

Ellron Silvertree
Blog Editor


  1. Cloudstones, hmm? I loved seeing your collection, Kellie. The person who showed me requested that I keep his name private, so I'll adhere to his wishes. But I'll bet you know who he is. *winks*


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