Sunday 20 April 2014

Shor To | The Orfful Tag

Greetings, everyone. My name is Shor To, Jedi Council Member. Apparently, I have been 'tagged' and now must answer this 'tag'. So, let's begin, shall we?

1. What is your homeworld?
Well I was born on Shili, but I grew up on Tython at the Jedi Temple.

2. Do you have any family?
None that I know of.

3. What are some of your goals in life?
To help raise the next generation of Guardians of the Galaxy *ahem* I mean, Jedi Knights.

4. Who do you count as your best friend?
Hmm... Good question. I think I'd say my best friend would be R1-16.

5. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
I'm rather partial to playing cribbage.

6. What is your species?
Togrutan, obviously.

7. Who would you like to be most of all?
Probably myself.

8. What was the most devastating moment of your life?
When our Temple was attacked and the archives were nearly completely destroyed.

9. What was the best moment of your life?
When I was made a member of the Jedi Council.

10. Who are your enemies?
The Sith, and other evildoers.

11. Who do you count as your archenemy?
I don't have one.

12. Do you have any mechanical appendages?
No, of course not! Why would you ask that?

13. Who and/or what has impacted you the most?
Whoever made this 'tag'. It's rather flustering.

14. If you could choose to save yourself or your best friend, who would you save?
My best friend. It is the Jedi way to be sacrificial.

15. What do you want to do after retiring?
I don't plan to retire.

Phew, I'm done. What? What do you mean I have to 'tag' someone else? Oh, alright... hmm... I tag... Caspar Fenn! Yes, he seems like a good fellow.

--Ellron Silvertree
-Blog Editor-


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