Friday 21 March 2014

Skanders Tralvaar | The Orfful Tag | There's Personality in the Words "I Dunno"

1. What is your homeworld?
I dunno.

2. Do you have any family?
I call Chyin and Riki family.

3. What are some of your goals in life?
I'd like to create an electric starship monopoly on Coruscant.  People say electric cruisers are outdated, but the only thing that's outdated is their heads.

4. Who do you count as your best friend?

5. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
I have a blog.

6. What is your species?

7. Who would you like to be most of all?
Elon Musk.

8. What was the most devastating moment of your life?
I'm not like that.  A drama person, that is.

9. What was the best moment of your life?
I dunno.

10. Who are your enemies?
A guy tried to kill me once.  I guess him - but I don't know what his name was.  I nicknamed him needle man because he tried to stab me with one of those six inch needles.

11. Who do you count as your archenemy?
Needle man.

12. Do you have any mechanical appendages?
I've got a pistol.  To me, it's an extension of my arm.

13. Who and/or what has impacted you the most?
I dunno.

14. If you could choose to save yourself or your best friend, who would you save?
I dunno.

15. What do you want to do after retiring?
Why would I have plans for when I'm old?

Skanders Tralvaar
Bounty Hunter


  1. I like this. I can tell it's Skanders talking from what I've seen on him on CaC2.

    And are you going to tag anyone?

  2. I liked the Needle man thing. Nice interview!


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