Thursday 13 February 2014

Ka Vardak | The Orfful Tag

Reporter One: Alright! Welcome everyone to this live interview of, ahem, the Arful tag! With us here today is...*holds the mike to Ka*
Ka: *glares at the mike*
Reporter One: *awkward silence ensues* Okay, um, well, we've got some questions for you today,*glances at script* ...mister Vardak. Alright, first one: What is your homeworld?
Ka: *glowers death and hatred at the reporter*
Reporter Two: *steps in* Do you have any family?
Ka: *turns his malevolent gaze on the second reporter*
Javez: *shouts from the audience* Yeah, he's my bro!
Ka: *gives Javez the "you'll-get-it-for-that-one" glare*
Reporter One: What are some of your goals in life?
Ka: *actually speaks for the first time* To make sure you never make it out of here alive, and you too. *glances at the second reporter* Then I've go some petty grudges to execute for someone.
Reporter Two: Err...*gulps* Who do you count as your best friend?
Ka: *silently pats the wroshyr-handled blaster at his side*
Reporter One: *gulps as well* Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
Ka: *answers with sinister lack of emotion* Killing people who are worth it.
Reporter Two: What is your species? *another awkward silence ensues*
Reporter One:  *steps in timidly* Um, who would you like to be most of all?
Ka: *actually appears to think that one over* Cassus Fett
Reporter One: *decides it best not to ask why* What was the most devastating moment of your life? *waits for a moment uncomfortably* Ummm... How about the best moment of your life?
Ka: *shifts impatiently*
Reporter Two: *hesitates slightly* Who are your enemies?
Ka: *decides he's had enough*  You.  *draws his blaster and fires in the blink of an eye*
Reporter One: *gasp is cut off by the blaster shot* Daaaaaagh! 
*A heavy thud follows as the camera hits the ground and cuts out*
*Gasps and screams from the crowd can still be heard in the background*

News Reporter on CaC2 Galactic Live: After the terribly abrupt ending to yesterday's "Orfful Tag" interview, which resulted in two reporters and an officer being shot down, we are left with a question amid the wild search for the now-infamous Ka Vardak: Who will be the next interview? Stay tuned to hear the latest developments here on CaC2 Galactic Live!
*Cue dramatic newsroom music and flashy screen*


  1. Bravo Nightblade! Bravo! Much better than mine. Bravo!

    1. Heheh thanks Raptor. I was wondering if people wouldn't like it but I decided to stick to Ka's character

  2. How did I not see that coming?
    Great interview, Nightblade!

  3. Lol, awesome, Nightblade! XP Javez's shout-out was pretty funny.

  4. I'll admit I'm a bit disappointed that he ignored some of the questions, but the interview was awesome! Ka is hilarious, even if he isn't trying to be :P


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