Monday 20 January 2014

Tarmys Darumar | The Orfful Tag

1. What is your homeworld?
Tarmys: My homeworld? Well, that's quite a story. I don't know, but I grew up on Tython. Someone left me as a baby at the Jedi Temple and the Jedi took me in and gave me the name that I now bear. Based on the genetic scans they did, I am from Haruun Kal, but the planet I was born on remains unknown.

2. Do you have any family?
Tarmys: I have no blood relatives that I know of. But there is a bond stronger than blood. It is the bond that I share with the other members of the Jedi Union—with Nariel, my master, Varyth and Cald, my Padawans, with Darid and Jorus, my good friends, and with Tekin, the seventh Jedi of the Union. I count them my family, even though four of them are dead.

3. What are some of your goals in life?
Tarmys: My lifelong goal is to discover the creator of justice—the being who regulates the laws of morality and justice. And I believe that I have found Him. Secondary goals that I pursue are making a connection of mutual trust and friendship with my new Padawan, Jarayim Till, and rebuilding the Jedi Union into the full count of seven again.

4. Who do you count as your best friend?
Tarmys: The best friend I ever had in all the world was Nariel. In a sense, she was both my mother and my older sister. She was my friend and role model throughout my childhood and my master and heroine throughout the years of my youth. My memories of her are many, and all are cherished.

5. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
Tarmys: I no longer have time for hobbies, but I used to collect caps from travoshryke bottles. The ones that jump when you press the middle down.

6. What is your species?
Tarmys: I am human, and my genetics suggest I come from Haruun Kal.

7. Who would you like to be most of all?
Tarmys: I never wished to be someone different than who I am.

8. What was the most devastating moment of your life?
Tarmys: When the Sith killed Nariel—and robbed my life of my best friend, role model, and master.

9. What was the best moment of your life?
Tarmys: There are many. One particular time is when Nariel came into the Temple, her face glowing with happiness, and told me that she had passed the Trials. Another is when she proclaimed her intent to take me as her Padawan. I could tell you many more, but those are just two of them.

10. Who are your enemies?
Tarmys: The Octarchy of Tallusi, two of whom are dead, as well as the multitude of Sith and their armies scattered across the systems. The bounty hunter Cral Damine is another particular enemy of mine, as well as Kone Dorrick, governor of Cinnagar on Koros Major, and Aetherix and the Mandalorians of Mandalore.

11. Who do you count as your archenemy?
Tarmys: Without a doubt, my archenemy was Arizael, the wielder of a strange Sith power known as Zaul. I slew him on Mandalore.

12. Do you have any mechanical appendages?
Tarmys: Not yet.

13. Who and/or what has impacted you the most?
Tarmys: Nariel, my role model, had a great effect on my life. My first Padawan, Varyth Shen, gave me something to learn as well. He was always calm, even under the stress of constant warfare, while I used to break constantly under stress. The other members of the Jedi Union have also impacted me in various ways.

14. If you could choose to save yourself or your best friend, who would you save?
Tarmys: I would have saved Nariel. She would have saved me. But I was unable to save her from the hand of Darth—I don't remember the Sith's name. But if there had been a possibility that I could have saved her, in the process sacrificing myself, then I would have done that without a backwards look.

15. What do you want to do after retiring?
Tarmys: I never considered retiring as an option for myself. I never actually expected to come out of the Koros War alive, nor that I would receive a permanent place on the Jedi Council. I have no plans for retirement. I intend to stay a Jedi until I die.

And now…I tag Lanna.

Dmitri Pendragon
Blog Moderator


  1. I loved Tarmys's answers! He seems to be quite an awesome character.


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