Sunday 12 January 2014

Kazadan Sarsis | The Orfful Tag

Alrighty, then. Krazydan--err--Kazadan has answered the Orrful tag. And tagged another CaC2er at the very bottom.

1. What is your Homeworld?
Tatooine--I was born on Tatooine, near Mos Eisley. I can’t remember very much of it, though.

2. Do you have any family?
There’s Valin of course, but what I didn’t know until recently is that my family is huge. There are seven kids in all. We met briefly a few years ago, but that’s another story.

3. What are some of your goals in life?
Well--my short term goal is to escort Gnawthrul Haniri into the next life. My long term goal is to wipe out the Haniri family, or at least downsize their power.

4. Who do you count as your best friend?
Naina Raynt. Our work often keeps us apart, but we make a point of looking out for each other. Then there’s Cald and Kian--I’d trust them with my life.

5. Do you have a hobby? If so, what is it?
I don’t really have a hobby. Too busy for that.

6. What is your species?

7. Who would you like to be most of all?
One of my non-force-sensitive brothers is living a charmed life on Tatooine as a mechanic. I wouldn’t mind trading places with him.

8. What was the most devastating moment of your life?
Well... my Padawan went missing. When they told me that he was gone... I've never broken down like that before.

9. Who are your enemies?
Gnawthrul Haniri, Nordan Haniri, Jaranna, Cyndar, Matrus, the bounty hunters who ransacked the Temple and Dark-Siders in general.

10. Who do you count as your archenemy?
Nordan and Gnawthrul.

11. Do you have any mechanical appendages?
So far, no. I’ve been pretty lucky.

12. Who and/or what has impacted you the most?
Naina, Ristan, Si and Kiri have probably had the most impact on my life. I’d be a very different person if it wasn’t for them.

13. If you could choose to save yourself or your best friend, who would you save?
Best friend. I just hope it doesn’t come to that.

14. What do you want to do after retiring?
I’ll probably haunt the Temple archives and spend my last years studying holocrons.

And the next person to be tagged is... Adali Zess!

Lylyss Silvertree
Blog Editor


  1. Nice answers! I can imagine Kazadan with a bunch of brothers, or wandering around the Archives . . .

    Also, thanks for tagging me. Since I'm not actually an editor of this blog, should I respond on my UG writing thread and someone can copy it here? Or what should I do?

    1. Lol. XP Yeah, he's just that kinda guy.

      That's a good idea. :) Or you can email it to another editor and they can post. If you don't have a UG mail, you could use the sentinel's email. Whichever way you use should work.

    2. Personally, I think posting it on your writing thread would be the best idea. Any one of us editors will copy it here. Probably one of the early risers, though…unlike me.

    3. Ok, thanks! I'll try to work on it sometime today or tomorrow.

  2. Finally answered the tag.


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