Thursday 21 November 2013

Tea With Gnawthrul

Tea with Gnawthru!!!

The door to the Haniri mansion creaks open and a dead eyed Butler beckons you in.
“Lord Haniri is waiting for you in the dining hall. . .” he mutters, nibbling on a burnt piece of toast.
You nod slowly and go up the strange creaky stairs, looking at the dusty, strange and creaky roof above your head. As you reach the top of the strange creaky stairs you go into a strange and creaky hallway, that ends when you come into a strange creaky room. In the middle of the room there is a strange creaky banquet table and at the end of that strange creaky banquet table is a strange creaky chair in which sits a cloaked figure with a strange creaky voice.

“is this another assassination attempt? Please, don’t bother with it. . .” Gnawthrul Haniri drums his fingers on the strange creaky chair.

You ignite your lightsaber, “Yes this is!”

Gnawthrul sighs, “alright alright. . .” he rises and ignites a blazing red saber. “But first, I think you have some questions for me?”


Essa: *pokes* Remember that time that I hit you with the hammer? Huh? do you? Huh? huh? *pokes*

Gnawthrul: *picks Essa up by the throat* Shut up, sister. Your not in this, go get yourself captured by Jedi or something. . .

Alessa: Will you get me out of this thing?!? *tries to wriggle around in carbonite*

Gnawthrul: *considers this* Not for a long time sweetheart, I can still use you as bait for my sis now can’t I? Heh, I might even break the carbonite right in front of her.

Raptor: How does it feel to be called “The Beaver”?

Gnawthrul: Just. . . just. . . *picks Raptor up by the throat*

Aria: How would it feel to be eaten by kittens?

Gnawthrul: Er. . . cuddly?

Saraide: How did you become a sith?

Gnawthrul: *twiddles thumbs* I never became a sith, what are you expecting? That I used to be a Jedi who was tempted by Inir? Ha! No, I grew up in a family of Sith Lords, I was born a sith.

Ver: Is your goal to make every Jedi - decent being - in the universe hate you?!

Gnawthrul: HA HA HA! And here my good fellows is the perfect demonstration of the lies the Jedi tell you! Do you actually think that would be anyones goal? I mean, really?  You see, the Jedi have you believing that all we Sith just LIVE for hatred, you think I like being hated? YOU THINK I LIKE IT?!? I MAKE PEOPLE HATE ME TO MAKE THE KILLING EASIER, TO MAKE ME WANT TO KILL THE PEOPLE THAT NEED TO BE KILLED TO PRESERVE THE ORDER IN THE UNIVERSE!!! YOU THINK I LIKE THIS?!? 

(Commentary by Gamey: Gnawthrul actually just hides the fact that he enjoys making people hate him. He lies to himself and tries to justify it in his own mind. He makes himself believe that it’s the right thing to do)

Leilani: Do you regret anything? (Other than killing like every Jedi in the universe or something else to that effect)

Gnawthrul: *gasp* *pant* *wipes brow* Hold a sec. . . *Catches breath* Er. . . do I regret anything? Actually I regret quite a few things:

1. Not having had the chance to trample Jorus Travar’s body.

2. Not killing Essa when I had the chance

3. Not killing Nordan when I had the chance

4. Not finishing Dorn Thelcar and all the other bounty hunters when I had the chance. I wouldn’t have to go on this intergalactic search for them that I will have to now. . . *Humph*

5. Not getting Si Dan to legitimately hate me, there was no meat to his death. . . it wasn’t satisfying.

7. Not getting “Cinderella” before they put it in the Disney Vault.

Thats about it though.

Jorus Travar: When did you turn evil? What tempted you to join the dark side?

Gnawthrul: The day Essa whacked me with the hammer and I fried her with force lightning was the day I lost my innocence (I was never truly innocent, but you know what I mean). I found it felt good to have someone to hate, someone to rip apart in your mind. There was never an exact time or place that I discovered the “enlightenment,” but if I had to choose one, that would be it.
(Commentary by Dmitri: Dmitri actually asked this question, not Jorus.)

Dmitri: Why yo gotta be so awesome Gamey? I mean, yo be bein so stinkin awesome 8D 

Gamey: Oh! Thx Dmitri, I guess it just comes naturally XP I guess you are kinda awesome too. . . I mean you got a good vocab but you dont understand cht spk.
(Commentary by Dmitri: This is an inside joke between me and Gamey. Like cheeseburgers. :) And Gamey actually made up this question entirely. I didn't ask it.)

Kian: When. will. you. man. up. and. FACE ME!! *snarls viciously*

Gnawthrul: Oh, is it you again? You. . . uh. . . whats your name? Ah yes, Shekk! See, its funny you ask me to man up and face you when I’ve done that about 5 times already! How did those little encounters turn out for you, Shekk? Huh? Who was the one on the floor getting fried and screaming for a dead man? Who was that Kian? 
So I’ll face you whenever or wherever you wish, but at the moment your still a small little insignificant pest in my plans and all I have to do is step on you. . . man up, Kian, and I will face you!

WoA: So Gnawy, how do you feel about yourself?

(since this is a question that would be best suited to be answered by none other than Gamey, that's how it’ll be) ;D

Gamey: Gnawy feels he is nothing short of a god. His countless narrow escapes from death have gotten to his head and he believes himself the highest of all Sith, constantly Gnawy is toying with the idea of challenging Inir for the throne but is a bit tentative to do so.
And I love dat banner as well 8D 

Ellron: Why are you such a sadistic monster?

Gnawthrul: Because I find it fun to see how far down I can bore into peoples emotions before they crack. 

Zuc’ar: What is your problem? I am a SITH and I am disgusted by you!!

Gnawthrul: My “problem” is I want peace and equality throughout the universe Zuc’ar, you have to fight for that, you have to really want it. Desperate times call for desperate measures, my good friend.

Dmitri: Did you ever love anyone?

Gnawthrul: Nope. Love is for the weak. . . though there was one girl once. . . Lanna. . .

Gnawthrul Haniri
Sith Lord and Bounty Hunter

Anywho, I do be thankin’ thee for nominating Gnawthrul for character of the month :) I appreciate it.


  1. Essa: *blows raspberry*

    Nordan: . . . . . *sigh*

  2. Apparently, Gnawy can't count. Check out his numbered list of regrets. :P

  3. *stocks tongue out* I got out fine. No thanks to you. And yes, your chopped off limb was very helpful. Very helpful.

  4. Kian: *Is shocked* :O *goes into a fit*

    Lol, that was awesome! XD

  5. Ver: . . . You have more problems than I thought.

    Loved the answers! Especially his list of regrets. And his answer to Kian.

  6. I'd like to know who Lanna is. Si Dan mentioned her too.


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